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What are your business hours?

  • Our office is open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm
  • Our warehouse is open Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm.

What are your Shipment days?

  • Ocean freight occurs every Friday

How do I register for an account?

  • To register for an account please visit and click on “register an account”. Follow prompts for registration

Is there a registration fee for an account?

  • There is no registration fee and no membership fee to sign up for an account with us.

How soon can I use your service after registration?

  • You are able to use our service immediately after registration once your welcome email is received with your new shipping address.

What services do I have access to once I have registered for an account?

  • Virtual Mailing address
  • Real time tracking of packages
  • Payment options
  • Invoice access

Where can I use my new shipping address?

  • Your new mailbox address can be used for all of your online shopping.

What is the cost for shipment?

  • Costs vary depending on service, size and/or weight. Please contact us here for further detail.

What is the process once my package arrives at my mailbox in your warehouse?

  • Scanned
  • Labeled
  • Prepared for Shipping

How long does it take for my package to show up in my account once it has arrived in your warehouse?

  • All packages are scanned within 24 hours of arriving at our warehouse.

How long will packages be stored at your warehouse before being shipped?

  • Packages will be shipped on the following shipping day unless otherwise arranged.

Do you offer insurance on packages shipped?

  • Yes with receipt of purchase

How can I track my package once it has been shipped by ezBarrel?

  • Simply log into your account and click on the “track your pak” for real time tracking.

How does consolidation work?

  • We consolidate packages by combining multiple packages into one package for shipment

Can I send multiple packages to be consolidated into a barrel?

  • Consolidation is limited to boxes varying in size. See our rates here for box sizes offered.

Can you re-pack my packages once it arrives at your warehouse into smaller packages for shipping?

  • Yes we can

What is the maximum number of packages that can be consolidated?

  • Maximum number of packages that can be consolidated for a flat rate fee is 3. There will be an additional fee for each additional package.